Charter Amendment on the November 5th Election Ballot

DeBary City Charter

Fact Sheet 

Amendment #1



SUMMARY: Should the term limit requirements of Section 5.03 of the DeBary City Charter be amended to allow a city council member whose second consecutive term of office would conclude at the same time as the Mayor’s term of office, to qualify and run for the office of the Mayor without remaining off the city council for at least one year? 



Current Language:

Sec. 5.03. - Terms of office.

The term of office for all Council seats is four (4) years for members elected in 2014 and thereafter. No member of the Council shall serve (or, but for resignation would have served) for more than two (2) consecutive full terms of office. A candidate who has been elected to two (2) consecutive full terms of office may requalify for any vacant seat provided said candidate does not actually take office for at least a one-year period after the end of that candidate's previous two (2) full terms of office. Members of the City Council elected shall hold their seats for the term of office for which they were respectively elected until such time as they are reelected, their successors have been elected and take office, or such office is otherwise prematurely vacated. An individual appointed to fill a vacant office shall be bound to the term of office served by such individual's predecessor.

Proposed Language:

Sec. 5.03. - Terms of office.

(a) The term of office for all Council seats is four (4) years for members elected in 2014 and thereafter. No member of the Council shall serve (or, but for resignation would have served) for more than two (2) consecutive full terms of office. A candidate who has been elected to two (2) consecutive full terms of office may requalify for any vacant seat provided said candidate does not actually take office for at least a one-year period after the end of that candidate's previous two (2) full terms of office, except as set forth in subsection (b). Members of the City Council elected shall hold their seats for the term of office for which they were respectively elected until such time as they are reelected, their successors have been elected and take office, or such office is otherwise prematurely vacated. An individual appointed to fill a vacant office shall be bound to the term of office served by such individual's predecessor.

(b) A candidate who is serving in a council seat, excepting seat #5 (the office of Mayor), and whose second consecutive term of office is scheduled to conclude at the same time as the term of office for seat #5, may qualify for seat #5 without complying with the requirement in subsection (a) that he/she remain off the city council for at least a one-year period following his/her second consecutive full term of office. Any such candidate, if elected to seat #5, will be eligible to serve two (2) consecutive full terms of office as Mayor.