Public Works

The City created the Public Works Department in FY 2013.  The Department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of  emergency storm water systems, sidewalks, City roadways, including pavement repairs and median maintenance along 17/92. The department maintains all City-owned equipment and provides a variety of services to the public and to other city departments.

Some of the City of DeBary infrastructure that is maintained by the Public Works Department includes:

Stormwater System

  • 58.4 Miles of Culverts
  • 2.8 Miles of Under Drain
  • 27.9 Miles of Open Channel
  • 9.7 Miles of Force Main
  • 4.1 Miles of Dry Line

Total: 102.9 Miles

Stormwater Structure

  • 1084 Curb Inlets
  • 818 Ditch Bottom Inlets
  • 232 Grate Top Inlets
  • 254 Mitered End Sections
  • 201 Headwalls
  • 107 Pipe Ends
  • 100 Control Structures

Mowing and Right of Way Maintenance

  • 166.20 acres of city retention ponds
  • Plus 9 DOT ponds

Over 50 miles of right of way

Roads and sidewalk      

  • 105 miles of City roadway

The Sidewalk Inspection and Minor Repair Program provides a systemic approach to sidewalk maintenance, allowing sensible and efficient use of city resources in the upkeep of sidewalks. By identifying areas needing improvement, prioritizing, and tracking repairs, Public Works can better provide for pedestrian safety and reduce liability for trip and fall incidents. Once a sidewalk area needing repair or improvement has been classified, it will then be prioritized based on its condition and location. Areas near transit stations, high-volume bus stops, elderly housing, senior centers, or schools are considered to be areas of particular sensitivity. They are therefore given higher priority for repair.

If you notice an area in need of repair, please contact City Hall at 386-601-0208 or email Thank you.