Fertilizer mitigation for Gemini Springs

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In 2016, the Florida Legislature passed the Florida Springs and Aquifer Protection Act, mandating the protection and restoration of polluted Florida Springs, which includes Gemini Springs in DeBary, Florida.  Gemini Springs was identified by the legislature as an impaired second magnitude, Outstanding Florida Spring that requires additional protections to ensure conservation and restoration for future generations. 

Fertilizer nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus, can end up in our surface and groundwater, where they feed algal blooms that deplete oxygen, kill fish, and make the water unswimmable.  Over 46% of nitrogen pollution in Gemini Springs comes from urban turfgrass fertilizer. 

The County of Volusia and the City of DeBary have embarked on a remediation plan that will significantly reduce phosphates and nitrogen in Gemini Springs. The fertilizer ordinance sets out the following steps:

1) No fertilizer in the summer, June through September

2) Fertilizer applied October through May must be at least 50% slow release Nitrogen. 

3) Do not apply phosporus to your lawn without a soil test.

4) Fertilizer must be kept at least 15 feet away from any body of water

5) Fertilizer containing nitrogen or phosphorus shall not be applied before seeding or sodding a site, and shall not be applied for the first 30 days after seeding or sodding.

The County has also launched its BeFloridianNow campaign.  Information about this campaign can be found at volusia.org/befloridiannow .  The City's ordinance can be viewed in full at this link.