Keeping our Waterways Clean (NPDES Program)

CLEAN WATER If we all do a little, we can do a lot!


Did you know that when someone pours, blows, or sweeps anything into the street, it will eventually end up in one of our City’s lakes? 

Many businesses and individuals discard wastewater, pollution, and debris onto the ground and into the storm drains unaware that these actions may cause lake pollution. A storm drain is part of the stormwater system that collects rainwater from streets, parking lots and rooftops. In most cases, this polluted runoff drains directly into a lake through the underground storm sewer system.

What is MS4?

A municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) is a publicly-owned conveyance or system of conveyances (i.e., ditches, curbs, catch basins, underground pipes, etc.) designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater and that discharges to surface waters of the state.

Polluted stormwater runoff is commonly transported through municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), and then often discharged, untreated, into local water bodies. To prevent harmful pollutants from being washed or dumped into MS4s, certain municipalities are required to obtain coverage under a MS4 permit and develop stormwater management programs (SWMPs). The SWMP describes the stormwater control practices that will be implemented consistent with permit requirements to minimize the discharge of pollutants from the storm sewer system.

·The NPDES program regulates point source discharges of stormwater into surface waters of Florida from certain municipal, industrial and construction activities.
·As the NPDES permitting authority, FDEP promulgates rules and issues permits, manages and reviews permit applications, and performs compliance and enforcement activities.

The Federal Clean Water Act was established in 1972 to protect our waterways. This legislation was passed in response to growing public concern for serious and widespread water pollution. 

As a result, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) was developed, and our Nation’s waterways have shown an increase in quality.   

To learn more about how to reduce pollution and protect our environment feel free to contact contact Dawn Waters, DeBary Public Works Coordinator at (386)601-0208 or via e-mail at 

Click on the following Supporting Documents below for valuable educational materials.